Rachel St.Clair, PhD
Rachel St.Clair, PhD
Co-Founder, CEO
Leading thinker on the intersection of computing, math & neuroscience. 20+ Papers published, several citations. Center for Future Mind Fellow.
Binoy Syed
Binoy Syed
Co-Founder, COO
Semiconductor & ASIC Industry. Leader and experimental technologist with expertise in manufacturing, engineering, commercialization & alliances.
Peter Sutor
Peter Sutor
High-Dimensional Computing Expert
PhD candidate UMD & MSc in Computer Science. 14+ publications in high-dimensional computing, IEE chair of HDC conference. Worked for the US Army, Keystone Automotive, Penn State University.
Victor Cavero
Victor Cavero
Embedded Systems Engineer
Specializes in optimizing performance through low-level/bare metal techniques and hardware resources across diverse digital environments and hardware systems.
Ron Teitelbaum
Ron Teitelbaum
Software Expert
Accomplished tech veteran with expertise in 3D Collaboration Systems and Medical/Pharmacy Systems. Decades of experience in each field drives innovation delivering transformative solutions
Ryan Cloutier
Ryan Cloutier
Lead Cybersecurity Advisor
Virtual Chief Information Security Officer for organizations across the country and is Certified Information Systems Security Professional CISSP®, cloud security, Dev-Ops, and Sec-Ops methodologies, security policy, process, audit, compliance, network security, and application security architecture. FRSecure CISSP mentor program, co-hosts security podcasts, one of most influential people in cybersecurity..
Garrett Mindt, PhD
Garrett Mindt, PhD
Head of Human-AI Alignment
10+ years in Philosophy of Mind, AI, and Science, Program Director at Center for the Future Mind, former fellow at Tiny Blue Dot Foundation for Consciousness, leading thinker on AI ethics/safety and consciousness.
L. Andrew Coward
L. Andrew Coward
Neuro-Inspired Advisor
Creator of the Recommendation Architecture. 30+ years at Nortel Networks in design of electronic control systems. 24 years in complex systems and neuroscience. 4 books, 100+ publications and lectures.
Ben Goertzel, PhD
Ben Goertzel, PhD
AGI Advisor
Expert on advanced computing. 450+ paper published & cited over 5k times. Created world's first robot citizen. Founder of SingularityNet and TrueAGI.